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Roger Bacon for New Jersey Governor 2025!

Roger Bacon for Governor

Please donate to my campaign.

Thank you for your help!

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance because the forces of evil never rest!"

“There are no problems, only solutions.” ― John Lennon

Roger is for Sheriffs Pledging to Make Election Security Their Highest Priority!
Roger Bacon for Congress 2024

Please donate to my campaign.

Thank you for your help!

2,500 Republican signatures are URGENTLY NEEDED by mid March so as Governor I can implement sweeping property tax reform and end tax and spend business as usual in Trenton! Call or text 908-319-8307. Click here to register as a New Jersey Republican voter:

Greetings fellow patriots from Roger Bacon in Phillipsburg, New Jersey. As your conservative Republican Governor, and servant of the people, I will tirelessly resist the unsustainable demands of the NJEA and examine all funding and education options to reduce the presently unfair school tax burden on property owners and renters. As your Governor, I will diligently oppose the “green energy movement” that seeks to ban your gas appliances, and I will safeguard our invaluable natural landscapes from wind turbines and similar developments, and implement policies to resurrect our cities that are in decay. To offset the proliferation of solar fields and warehouses, etc., as Governor I will fully support the unlimited production and sale of all agricultural products in New Jersey. I will rescind New Jersey’s sanctuary state status. The Constitution clearly states: “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts” therefore I am opposed to the creation of digital currency. To improve the public’s odds, I will work to introduce a New Jersey 6/24 $50,000 cash prize lottery. I will personally and publicly ask each county sheriff to make election security their highest priority. Due to the suspicious handling of COVID-19, Lyme disease, et al. I announce my passion for truth in medicine. And furthermore, due to the state of the Union (with significant room for improvement), I propose that government oversight be established as a formal college course.

As I work to Make New Jersey Great Again I will also be standing up to Uncle Sam to stop the egregious practice of stealing SSA contributions (which he replaces with IOUs) and taxing SSA payments. I will also be standing up to Uncle Sam to bring lost jobs back home by abolishing which expedites the relocating of American businesses offshore. And as a Governor who is a gold star recipient, I will propose that we disassemble the unsustainable military industrial complex by bringing our precious troops home.

In my view, due to America’s current political climate, Making America Great Again will be an incremental process of “We The People” opposing all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto while enforcing ALL 10 of the Bill Of Rights. As a political outsider, and strong advocate of OPEN primary elections, I feel the MAGA movement offers the best chance of achieving that objective. Also due to densely populated areas determining statewide election outcomes I support an electoral system being utilized in future New Jersey statewide elections. Politically, unlike the partisan politicians who have brought New Jersey to its present state, I am an Abraham Lincoln Republican who passionately believes in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin are my favorite Founding Fathers and while I may not be the most polished candidate I try to speak for them in my passion for preserving ALL aspects of freedom.

I have never asked for donations in previous campaigns but to end business as usual in Trenton requires substantial donations from my patriot followers.

Personal: A proud Veteran, lifelong New Jersey resident, family man, and multi-time candidate for public office, my platform has always been our inalienable “Bill Of Rights” which I interpret literally because the states would not accept the Constitution without them as they are written.

Since the cowardly major news media will criticize me but they fear interviewing me, feel free to contact me directly with any questions by dialing 908 319 8307.

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or WITH ANY questions,


Call: (908) 319 8307

Lincoln for the people
njea vs n.j. taxpayer

“As Governor I will stand up to the NJEA’s unsustainable demands which in my view are having a very negative impact on the economy of New Jersey.”